Moving Toward the Time of the Return of Light

 We are at the end of the year 2020 and moving quickly to the winter solstice and the return of Light.

My birthday is on the winter solstice, and I will complete my 74th year in this world on that day, and begin my walk through my 75th year.  This last year has been a truly transformative year for our world, as the pandemic altered all of our lives dramatically and completely.  As with all of you,  this year has also been transformative for me.  I have been forced to change old habit patterns because they no longer work in these new times of the pandemic.  I have moved into a space that is focused more inwardly and this means that my inner world has expanded and all of my life is more connected.

The Return of Light...the celebration of Christmas and Hanakkah and Kwanza...all are beacons of fiery hope in this time when maybe we are walking into the unknown and don't know what lies ahead.  We trust in Christ the the light of the menora....and all of the traditions of light throughout the planet, that Light always overcomes darkness.

My journey through my coming 75th year (three quarters of a century!) will move through the coming intensity of the first three months of the year which are the peak of the pandemic, and into the warmth and light of summer with a new life emerging....and then into the new outer journey of music in the Autumn and Winter,   Yes,  there is new music coming!

My work also with the Catholic Church and music also takes on new depth and new growth. The focus is definitely Light overcomes darkness, Hope overcomes despair, Love is a force that underlies everything we are and everything we do.


thank you for all you do and all you are!

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