A new CD coming out

Look carefully at this photograph and you will see a very big hawk sitting in the tree. I love hawks and this was such an opportunity because he let me get pretty close to him. So I'm sharing it with you. If you click on the photo, you will have an enlarged copy of this beautiful guy!

Here we go again! Look for a new CD to be released in the month of February.

2012 is going to be a year of intense creativity and sparkling days. As we move toward the movement from one Mayan long count into the next long count around the December 21, 2012 date, we ride the surge of energy. This powerful time feels rich and light.

I feel very privileged as I sit here in my office with my cup of coffee, a bowl of Greek yogurt with blueberries, and my red candle lit. How wonderful! The music of my new upcoming release is playing. Next week I will be in the recording studio doing the final tweaking and mastering. The cover art will be my own photography.

Track one is part of the "woven" series. Title: Woven in Gentleness. Track two brings back the Spring birds which are everywhere in my music moving into a subtle and sensual drum beat....energy moving up the spinal column of mother earth.
Track three: Energy, energy, energy through the wind and the dancing movement....such happiness! Imagine a woman dancing with joy and abandon out in the fields, with here companion wolves. Wolves abound in this piece!

Stay tuned for more tracks...there are seven in all.

We have snow today and lots of wind. Everything is white and beautiful. And cold!
with love.


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