Radiance in daily life

The Radiance album is just about complete. Through these last weeks I have composed music that is joy, compassion, radiance, walking lightly on the earth, the chalice, the deer spirit, and abundance. The abundance music contains aspects of the compassion music. The deer spirit music has a reflection of the joy music.....everything weaving together into one whole that is Radiance. Now, before this music is released to the world, I will be exploring how to live all of these life energies in my own life. How can I release Radiance to the world through my own life.....not just through the music???? That would be the journey.

It was fun to see how my celtic ancestry has emerged in this music. My grandfather on my dad's side was English, Welsh, and Irish. My grandparents on my mothers side were from Scotland....having both Scottish and Irish ancestors. So this ancient
understanding of the Celtic runs in my blood.

During this last week Tom Tempel and I created a u-tube video that has fulfilled one of my visions. When I composed Mayan Dream and the music that followed I had a strong connection to the land of the Maya....the music flowed from the land and the artwork and the sacred buildings. Now this u-tube video connects the land, artwork, buildings directly with the music and when I watch it, it brings me to tears because it is so very wonderful to see. We have a few tweaks and then I will be connecting with you to give you the u-tube link. One of the mental obstacles I had to overcome was the quality of my own photographs. I had taken many of these photos in 1989 through 1999 on those small disposable cameras, so the images had begun already to darken or degrade. But.....these were the images that I had available to me right now and they are mine.....so....these are being used and will carry my own connection energy to everyone who sees them. One of the wonders of this process was observing how Tom Tempel can take a photo and bring it to life and movement. Very cool indeed!

Love to all on this beautiful Autumn day.


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