Day of the Musician and Artist

On the Mayan calendar, today is a special day for musicians and artists. So.....I'm going to celebrate the music that is a part of my life. It's a beautiful, sunny day also today and I ask the sunshine to warm my life and radiate from me out to everyone whose life I touch today.

I am in the process of putting together the raw materials to have a video for u-tube created.
My intent is that my music plays as the viewer/listener sees the lands of the Maya....and also sees me playing. Hopefully, this will be up and running in about two weeks. I also would love to create a u-tube video that shows the process of creating a piece of music "track-by-track". I was listening to NPR last Friday and another musician from the US creates like I do....lays down a track, and then another track, and then another track....creating a full piece of music and eventually an entire album.

May...the month of flower and green and newness of life...Wonderful!

Many options are also coming forward from the various distributors of my music to allow more of my music to be distributed in more effective ways. Mystical Rose, Ancient/Future Symphony and Vida are still not out in the world in large ways because I no longer want to run 1000 CDs in order to place them in distributor sites. So it is very exciting to me that this music can now go out into the world-wide distribution without a large run of CDs.

I created a new goddess piece of music for the Spring and offered it to all of you as a free download. Only 18 people actually communicated back to me. That is very interesting to me
as a composer. Are people not interested in this music? Not able to download? Swapping this music online between one another (which of course I wouldn't know about)? Sometimes I find that people will purchase something that costs money, but will not access something that is free....maybe feeling that "free" equals "not as good"?

It was truly wonderful to create an album of Soul/Deepbody music for an individual two weeks ago. Another level has emerged for me of composing music. Just when I believe that I know how to create, I find out that I have only touched the beginning of the marvelous layers still to be explored. Exciting!

My latest payment from CDBaby arrived this month. No actual CD sales....all money received was through digital distribution through i-tunes, Amazon MP3, Rhapsody, Napster. Usually I have CD sales and digital sales, so the CD is really not my primary mover when I am in the realms of world-wide distribution, but rather, the digital sales. This is not surprising because the process of sending and receiving digital music is SO MUCH easier than have to ship a physical product with the necessary export papers, and, on the customer side, pay more for the product and also shipping costs.

Love to all.


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