Life is good

I realized that my Musings on occasional sleepless nights, occasional weird schedules,
lack of control of what might happen....all of this was sending a mixed message about my life.
Actually, my life is awesome. I get to create music almost every week as my way of making a living. How wonderful is that! I get to be friends with creative people from all over the country. How wonderful is that! My schedule is flexible and matches a life lived in the unknown. How wonderful is that!

The occasional (and I stress occasional) sleepless nights come when there is a lot of creative energy pouring in. It keeps me up but since night is the clearest time of vision for me, that is a good thing. Then, occasionally, I get caught in my mind and that will keep me up. That is the other side of the sleepless thing, and that is not recommended. Contrary to what my Musings from several days ago might have sounded like, I don't spend every night of my life worrying!

Having my own business and having it's nature be in the unknown is not stressful. It is active and yet 50% inner work. My life is centered in the Heart of Everything. It is not about thinking
what should be, ought to be, might be....etc. That does happen sometimes, but it goes nowhere, pulls me out of my Soul/Deepbody connection with the Heart of Everything, and produces huge amounts of stress and bad decisions. That is not a place in which I want to stay for more than a few minutes...leaving that space as soon as I find that I have moved into it! Decisions that are creative, and heart-filled and life enhancing come from the co-creative space of my Soul/Deepbody, my personal heart-centered Self, and the larger spiritual forces that inspire and support me. My intent is always to stay within the weaving of these aspects of my creative, joyful, heart-filled life.

Yes, the reality is that I have no control over what will happen day to day. But, as I said before, control is an illusion. I am part of a monumental, universal weaving that is so much a mystery. A beautiful, wonderful mystery. The control that I do have is how I story the events that life brings each day. Any event can have a soulful story, or a limited story.

What is new today? Vern continues to update my website. It is a process that is much like recording a new CD. Things come on to the website, and things are edited from the website. We try one thing....if it doesn't work...we try something else....all finding the space of the Heart of Everything as manifested through my website.

Today I also continue the preparation for a new piece of music that will be recorded on June 18th. Stay tuned for this new music.

Love to all of you for being a part of my life. You are awesome!!


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