Storms and the Story of Ancient/Future music's time that a new blog writing went up. We are again in the midst of wonderful, incredible storms. I was working away this morning and it was thundering lightly, but nothing too alarming. Then....a HUGE kabaam and it felt like we were hit right outside my window. Luckily my computer survived. However, shortly after that hit, I heard many, many fire engine sirens, so someone close was not so lucky. The Ancient/Future Symphony was fully recorded on Wednesday, June 18. Here is it's developing story. The first movement of the Ancient/Future Symphony (Velvet Blackness) has undergone three tweakings since that first recording. These are subtle adding two notes to the end of the music...then making sure they are feeling like an echo...then making sure there are no foreign noises in the wind that moves at the end of this movement....then adding more wind between the first and the second movement. The extra notes and the extra wind give the energy of the...