Early Morning Musings

This photo was taken by Conrad Satala at Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. Lots of love to the group that is flying into this area of the world today. Yeah for them!
The new music of Ancient/Future Symphony is created from this particular part of the world and from the world view of the ancient and modern Maya.
Here at my studio, it's early morning. The air is clean and clear. The full moon is pouring down it's very special light.
The birds are just beginning to wake up with that special sleepy chirping that they do.
A new album is being released. It's been almost a year since I have released a new CD to the world (special commissioned Soul/Deepbody music is another story).
I had forgotten how much work is involved in releasing a new CD. It's kind of like birthing a baby....the mother's body has to change....she gets very emotional....then there is the ecstasy, effort, and focus of the birthing process....the intense love of the mother for the new baby...but also the 24/7 work of caring for a new baby. Thus it is with a new album!
I have a very large family of albums. With the birth of Ancient/Future Symphony I have ten album children. Always the newest one is my special love for a time and there is a wonderful process of discovery. But then when I listen to it's older sister/brother albums I love them too. Each one is unique. Each one requires care and nurturance.
Today....some work, a little more time in the recording studio, and some fun time with family and friends.
Love to all!