Music supports the world around me

Several weeks ago I received a phone call from a hospice nurse in Honolulu. She had a patient who was dying and listening to The Beloved was the only thing that could calm her down. She later called to say that this person had died peacefully while listening to The Beloved. That is why I do what I do. Creating and performing the music that comes to me is not done to sell music and make sales, but to bring into the world a quality of beauty and connection into the individual's inner world that is transformative.
The ducks in this photo were hatched right outside of my mom's front window. The mother duck came out of the marshes to build her nest where mom could see it every day. Aren't they cute! It's amazing the beauty and the joy in nature. My mom is going through an important journey in her life right now, and family is very supportive of her in this time of transition. Thus, you are not hearing as much from me, but we are alive and well.
Mayan Dream Productions will soon be announcing it's annual July sale. We offer a really good sale in July and in December as our thanks to all of you. Love to everyone.
I can add to that story by saying "The Beloved" is music that carried me through some mighty interesting times and finally turned me back into myself for answers. I can't remember how many tapes I wore out. Thank You So Much for what you do!!
love, Greg
I'm catching up on email and just read your blog. What a wonderful gift for you to hear from the nurse in Hawaii. Just think...for every person who actually thinks to call you and tell you how your music has impacted their life, there are hundreds who don't. Amazing! Your music continues to support me too. I ALWAYS turn it on when I'm starting a new project, needing to unwind, in my space to create, etc. Sometimes I just choose your name on my ipod and let it shuffle its way through all of your pieces and sometimes I choose an album that I need right then. It's so wonderful to have something so powerful to bring me right to center. Thank you!! Blessings to your mom! xo