Yesterday's Recording Session

I know that you are all waiting with bated breath to find out about my recording session yesterday. Arrived at Tempel Recording at noon with Copan drum, rain stick, large wind chimes, four flutes, Kurzweil keyboard, and Guatemalan flat drum. The large drum was already in the studio. The wind chimes did indeed open up the music and after 5-1/2 hours of recording, I have the Ancient/Future Symphony at a little over 40 minutes. Now I have to go back and do a little tweaking, but the music has come forward and the album exists. Yeah!
Here is the final version of the CD cover. Creative design by Susan Stamm. Photograph of Palenque by me.
There are five tracks on the Ancient/Future Symphony:
1: Velvet Blackness The space of black is the Milky Way, the Cave, the Jaguar, the Womb.
It is the place of nurturance and of change.
2. Wisdom's Heart Wisdom is all around in the place of blackness...heart beat of support...whispering of new of restory.
3. Carried on the Back of the Deer The ancient and modern Maya consider the deer as the carrier of the individual in the journey of the unseen/seen world.
4. ONE We walk in both worlds as we manifest our life purpose. All is ONE.
5. Within Maria's Mantle. Maria, for the modern Maya, is the essence of compassion.
This music surrounds the listener in Her compassion.
Then, last night, Walter and I went to Indianapolis to take a computer system to family and to hug family a lot!
Today was a day of integration. The music always changes (re-stories) me. I require a lot of time in my inner world. My body needs rest. takes me a while to get to know my new music and be able to write it's story.
I LOVE this new music.
Love to all of you.