Quiet Conversation with You

So here I am again.....writing about the journey in the early morning hours. There is a vast storm system moving across the country and my body can tell that it is coming close to the Indiana area. I have my hot cup of coffee in hand and am enjoying the quiet communication with all of you.

I am creating a playlist for myself of the music that particularly focuses on dawn, and especially music with bird song. For me, November is a powerful month of change when heaven and earth are very close to each other. There is a lightness to November and a dawning of potential. It also feels to me like a celebration of Wisdom. And.... Soon we will be at the winter solstice and celebrate the dawn of the return of light. It is great that over the years I have written so much music that celebrates light and features birdsong. Now I can put all of the various pieces together to give myself that particular joy!

Of course, you also can do this with my music. Make your own playlist to support where you are at this particular time in your life. Have some fun with it!

Yesterday I had the privilege of taking end of year inventory of all of my music and then reconciling it with sales. This process always brings me closer in relationship to my music. There is so much of it that I can easily forget for a time one or another album. Poor abandoned album children!! So this is a really good time for me.

Now today I get to spend time with friends and also our dog....just playing before the storms arrive later this evening and we shelter in for several days.

Love to all!


Ellen Sauer said…
I will do this today, i.e. make a playlist of songs that you have created to celebrate where I am right now. What a great idea!

And I love the descriptor that "November is a powerful month of change when heaven and earth are very close to each other." What a beautiful way to envision the sacredness of that time of transition, the thinning of the veil.

Love your early morning writings.


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