Joy...happiness...lightness of Spirit...and creativity

Outside my window a soft rain is falling. It is cool out today and the breeze is gentle. I am enjoying the pinks and purples and yellows of flower, and the deep green of the fully emerged leaves on trees. Mother Nature is at her creative best!

Creativity is not meant to be hard, demanding, serious work. Often, we as artists, composers, writers become so deadly serious that our lives cease to be lived in joy, happiness, lightness of Spirit. For me, creating music is a spectacular fun! What a rush to be in the recording studio and have music flowing through me effortlessly. The editing process is equally gentle. Listening back to the music that I have just created, I can tell when something is at its potential or when it is wanting to be brought to a deeper level. These never feel like bad or good things, but simply the wonderful, joyful creative process.
Writing of Musings is the same way. As I write this blog, I am in the same creative flow as when I create music. I can feel when the words are clear, and when they simply need to find a new depth. Judgement, comparison....these qualities do not exist in this space.
Decision-making: should I send out another e-brochure, or another "snail mail" blast, or is there another free download to be offered, or is it time for the website to be updated? These questions can be brought into a space of very serious, very and death feeling.. which is not the flow of creativity. Or, they can be brought into the Center of my Heart and allowed to find the depth of the flow of my professional life. It is my choice always where to live my life.
Deepening In Love: A Meditation on Love follows this same process. As I decided to create a CD that was a collection of my various musical pieces on love, there was a feeling of peace and an inner silence. All of the music on this album was created through the years from the Center of my Heart and of the Source of All Music. It was created in joy and happiness and lightness of Spirit. The process of deepening in love, which this music reflects and carries to the listener, is a process that is effortless and warm and caring and in harmony with our world. The communication of the existence of this music to all of you (called marketing...which is a pretty intellectual word) has been a flow of energy and light from me to you. Not heavy...not serious.
May this day be joyful, happy, light in Spirit and very creative for all.