So much quiet and it's wonderful!
I read a great article today from the former founder and owner of CDBaby, Derek Sivers. He was talking about how we humans need to reboot our lives regularly. We have a habit of saying that our way of looking at things or doing things is "just the way we are". We repeat the same processes in our lives over and over..sometimes with different outer covering, but really just the same basic life.
I found myself doing just that thing these last weeks by saying that "I am one of those people who just need to be out and around people and who thrive on action." That was my excuse for not being comfortable with the quiet around me. I am totally self-employed and most of my contact with people is online. Lots of outer quiet.
However, once I get past the "this is the way I am" excuse, (which I previously was not even aware was in my practice, thank you Derek for this awakening) I am finding that these days are changing my perceptions. The outer quiet is bringing an opportunity for a deeper relationship with my own inner world. The soul of my music, the soul of the guardian forces around me, and the soul of nature are becoming much more consciously present in my life.
Nature is (as always!) a great teacher in Indiana. We had a bit of warmth, and then today again an ice event. The high tomorrow is going to be 30. March is bringing in the new life of Spring with constantly changing weather and temperatures. What a dance!!
March is bringing new orders and business to Mayan Dream Productions. Things are springing into life!
Love and gratitude to all.
I found myself doing just that thing these last weeks by saying that "I am one of those people who just need to be out and around people and who thrive on action." That was my excuse for not being comfortable with the quiet around me. I am totally self-employed and most of my contact with people is online. Lots of outer quiet.
However, once I get past the "this is the way I am" excuse, (which I previously was not even aware was in my practice, thank you Derek for this awakening) I am finding that these days are changing my perceptions. The outer quiet is bringing an opportunity for a deeper relationship with my own inner world. The soul of my music, the soul of the guardian forces around me, and the soul of nature are becoming much more consciously present in my life.
Nature is (as always!) a great teacher in Indiana. We had a bit of warmth, and then today again an ice event. The high tomorrow is going to be 30. March is bringing in the new life of Spring with constantly changing weather and temperatures. What a dance!!
