
I would like to muse a little bit today about music as a force, as a spirit, as a soul in and of itself.
Music is a vibration of love emanating from the Source of all love. As humans, we have been created in love, and our bodies vibrate with the resonance of the vibration of love.
The inaudible vibration of music is all around us and within us. Science tells us that our human organs each radiate a distinct melody. They have been able to translate that melody into our musical notation. We know that inaudible vibrations create the form of a spiral and other beautiful shapes within the mineral, plant and animal worlds. For us human beings, the inaudible sound waves never reach our consciousness, but they affect our bodies and our emotions as they vibrate within us. The snow, and plants in the snowy spring photo that I attached to this blog are each vibrating with their unique sound. Together, they form a song, and this song graces me with its beauty and brings me into a place of peace. It helps me write this blog.
Music has a soul. It is an entity. In its audible form (as composed and played me for example) it is able to speak to our conscious selves, and transform us more closely into our potential of loving beings. As composer I co-create with the soul of music and the rest of the unseen world to bring audible music into existence for the world's joy and beauty and transformation. As listener, you co-create by choosing to bring this vibration into your life.
All music creates with us and changes us because the soul of music speaks to our soul and to the guardian forces that move around us, and together a new song is created that is the song of each individual's life. connects us deeply into the rest of nature, supporting us with this connection to all of life. When I listen to the cicada song at night in the summer, I move into a space of peace. When I hear the early morning bird song, I experience vitality and joy. Our own individual “song” interacts with the music of the rest of nature around us and a new "us" is born each day.
Science and medicine now have ample proof that we are an energy system, and that the vibration of music carries the power, through resonance, to bring our bodies into the vibration healing, inspiration, transformation, strength, and support. For me, the deeper story is that healing happens because the soul of music and our individual souls come together with the unseen world and we then are empowered to move into a vibration of wholeness.
Many years ago a friend called me to say that my music brought her young friends’ (who was in a coma) pulse rate and blood pressure into the normal range. Another e-mailed to say that The Beloved music was the only thing that brought her dying mother into a place of calm where she could sleep. The stories of the soul of my own music bringing forward healing and transformation are many. I also hear stories from other composers that are also speaking to this reality. Constance Demby is particularly attuned to this reality as one of the most ensouled musicians of our time.
Music....what a wonderful gift to our world! Love to all on this very musical snowy morning in March.