The Process of Creativity Continues

Here we are a week later and the music continues to flow and the album continues to develop and change. Now I have a track called Sunrise, and one called At The Cave, and Woven in Gentleness and Dancing My Center , and Vision Serpent.
The new album is called "A Celebration of Life and Love". It is part of the Mayan Trilogy of Ancient/Future Symphony and VIDA, and is definitely a celebration of all of nature. So, it is also a part of the Emergence, Radiance, Heart of Sky/Heart of Earth group. And....because it celebrates the gentle quiet center that supports our life journey, it joins the music of The Journey of Joy, The Beloved, and Mystical Rose. The drum in the photograph is my Copan, Honduras drum and it plays on several tracks in the new album. It is particularly alive for these recordings!
There is a special lightness to this new music....and a new lightness to my life. Everything is simplifying and becoming easier.
With the lightness and ease of this new album, comes a change in my marketing. I am following the good example of JC Penney and moving all of my prices to one price for the entire year. No special discounts, no sales. If you go to my order page, you will see only one link. The distributor and wholesale links are gone. The price for all CDs reflects the reality that I do not have any layers of people handling the sales of my music so no need for built in monies for them. When people order from my website....there is just me, and you are getting the benefit. Prices of CDs on my website are now $6.50 all of this year and that includes my new CD "A Celebration of Life and Love". If a person or organization orders more than $200, they get an additional 20% discount. Shipping and handling is free for 20CD orders and more.
I have also simplified the structure for Original Music composed for individuals. This was formerly called Soul/Deepbody Music.
10 minutes of original music for you is $100. 30 minutes is $300. No other price structures but a person can still pay for a full 30 minutes in payments if they wish.
The new financial structures for CDs and also for Original Music should be up on my website by Monday, February 13.
So, here I am again, sitting in my office early in the morning (REALLY early today!) with my cup of coffee and my candle and my music playing, writing to all of you. It is still dark outside with dawn a few hours away yet. An arctic front is moving in and will bring very cold temperatures and snow tomorrow. Life continues!
Love to all.