The Power of Music To Heal

What is the essence of music? Is it an organization of sound waves in a particular planned order? Is there some kind of law that music has to be created in a certain way, or that the musician does or does not have to have a certain education? My answer is…nope.
We take sound for granted because it is everywhere. Science tells us that our human organs each radiate a distinct melody. They have been able to translate that melody into our musical notation. We know that certain sounds create the form of a spiral or other forms when allowed to vibrate over sand. Consciously heard sound vibrates in our ear canal and is translated into meaning by our brain. We interpret the vibration as words or sounds or music. However, many sound waves never reach our consciousness, but they affect our bodies and our emotions as they vibrate within us. The flowers in this summer photo are each vibrating with their unique sound and that song connects to the unique melody of the everything around them. Together, they form a song.
All music interacts with us and changes us. Why? Because music is a sound vibration that moves and dances with any other vibration within it’s reach. When I listen to the cicada song at night in the summer, I move into a space of peace. When I hear the early morning bird song, I experience vitality and joy. This is true even if I started my morning in a bad mood. Our own individual “song” interacts with the vibration of music around us and changes us.
Science and medicine now have ample proof that the vibration of music carries the power to bring healing, inspiration, transformation, strength, and support. It opens worlds and walks the individual through the unknown into potential. Here is a quote from USA Today regarding Music Therapy: “Music holds a unique role in human life. Its rhythms help organize movement …almost no one can resist a good beat. Music brings up memories. And music, it seems, can help retrain the speech centers of the brain.”
Music also heals in other ways. Several years ago a friend called me to say that my music brought her young friends’(who was in a coma) pulse rate and blood pressure into the normal range. Another e-mailed to say that The Beloved music was the only thing that brought her dying mother into a place of calm where she could sleep. There are many more examples in my life of people sharing the ability of my music to heal.
Music has the unique power to support you in your own individual journey and the transformation that allows your healing and your unique purpose in life to be realized. Blessings, Beverly