What's In A Name??

August was certainly a time of rejuvenation. We had beautiful, soft weather most of the month, and time for kicking back and letting new music emerge. I spent some time with the name of this business: Mayan Dream Productions.
For me, this business name came about because of my love of the ancient Mayan sacred sites and lands. My own dream of living as a self-employed musician was realized as I traveled through these lands and composed and recorded original music.
The business name "Mayan Dream Productions" is an honoring of the support of the unseen world, and gratitude for all that has emerged since the beginning of my business in 1987.
The ancient Maya were world travelers. My own music has traveled throughout the world. The ancient Maya lived as one with the planet earth. My music celebrates Mother Earth and the interweaving of all of the life forces (including us) that she generates. The ancient Maya had creativity as their primary core: just experience the depth and intricacy of their artwork and their written language which is symbol and you understand a way of living that has creativity as it's spiritual expression of a physical world.
Soon we will begin the year 2012 that marks the completion of a long cycle for the Maya. This completion is on December 21, 2012 which is my birthday. This entire year of 2011 and 2012 is a time of movement for the Maya into a next cycle which emerges from this present long cycle. For me it will be the completion of a 25 year cycle with the creation of original music and Mayan Dream Productions, and my movement into a next long cycle of creativity.
When the ancient Maya built a pyramid, they spent many years working with the core source of the pyramid, and then many years in it's physical construction. A pyramid was built to be a message, a place of connection and generation, and a sacred site that connected with all other sacred sites. Often, new pyramids were built over the original. The core source of the original was confined, and the new core emerged through the strength of the old. Thus the cycles continued throughout the ages and until this day. This is my model for Mayan Dream Productions in this next cycle beginning December 21, 2012.
NOW: a note on the hurricane which is changing the lives of millions of people on the East Coast. We are connected to all of these people, and our support is very necessary today and throughout the next months. As many of you do, we have family on the East Coast and we are keeping them in our love and support throughout this time. May all be safe!
Love to all.