Well, we are moving toward the end of February. We've had so much snow this winter, and a blizzard, but the beauty has been phenomenal. This photo is mine of one particularly beautiful snowfall. Today, Mother Nature is having a gray day.....the skies are dark and brooding and we are being coated with ice. It's a very good day for a fire in the fireplace because no one is going anywhere!
The Musings newsletter will be coming out this Wednesday for February....a little late because we are almost into March. However, life's timing is not always exactly on my schedule. Hopefully this newsletter will come to you exactly when you wanted to read it.
We met with our long-time tax preparer last weekend, and it turns out that Mayan Dream Productions increased success this year has increased our taxes, and so less refund. What a good problem to have!
This last week of February has been about my body reorganizing around the shoulders and down my arms. It seems that I have re-injured my right arm somehow....there is a lot of pain and swelling and difficulty picking up objects, etc. However, the reality is more about my body changing to better support me me with the new music, and all of the other parts of my life. When I remember this, the pain diminishes. When I focus on the pain and difficulty, it gets much worse. My arm will heal but the journey right now is how I choose to live day to day and where I place my focus.
Watch for a new album free download.....Living The Possible....which will be posted some time on Wednesday. The link will be in my Musings newsletter and on the home page of my website.
love to all.