Rainy January Morning

Another early morning....and it's raining with the temperature about 35 degrees. Thank heavens! Without that above freezing temp, we would have ice all over everything. After this rain, and then wind, we are going to have more snow and the temperatures will be near zero by tomorrow evening. When you live in Indiana, you don't get too attached to any particular "look" outside, and you learn to live with change.
The photo in this blog is of a display of all of the artwork connected to my CDs. You are only getting a little bit of this display, but it is awesome to see Emergence and Heart of Sky/Heart of Earth, by Ann Beeching; The Beloved, Mayan Dream, and Journey of Joy by Ilene Satala; and Radiance by Jamie Rieger.....all original artwork on display.
Yesterday and today have been good days for my creative self and everything is flowing smoothly. The only glitch was trying to use the online customs forms and finding that USPS has a problem this week. It keeps telling me that I am not filling in the form, and I'm looking right at it all filled in. Yikes! So.....onward to the post office in the rain to hand-write a customs form.
It is a very busy week coming up. My focus is to stay in this flowing space no matter what happens this week in the busyness.
Radiance is glowing its way into people's lives. I am LOVING the YouSendIt application that lets me send entire albums online with so little effort on my part, or yours. And.....it's less expensive than a CD for the customer. All good stuff!
Now...onward and upward!