January Fun

Photo (c)2010. Conrad Satala. Sacred Space of Paq'alib'al.
Usually I think about January as a time of hibernation. Not this year! Daily OM featured the Healing Music for the 21st Century CD yesterday, and it was fun to see how someone who doesn't know me writes about my music. They produced a fabulous article, and I am already getting comments through Facebook from DailyOM visitors. Here's a really fun thing: they called me a music teacher and travel guide. I have to say that is not how I would have described myself!
If you would like to see the article, click on this link: http://www.dailyom.com/articles/3/2011/27271.html.
Radiance is now up on CDBaby and they gave me an enormous boost by sending the link to anyone who has ordered my music through CDBaby over the last many years (10+). This level of support by a distributor is invaluable to a musician. Thank you CDBaby. The link is http://cdbaby.com/cd/rieger7. As with all of my music that CDBaby carries, they have placed Radiance on i-tunes, rhapsody, and almost 100 other digital sites, and radio streaming sites. Of course people can also order CDs through CDBaby.
As I write this Musings, I am uploading MP3 files of all 10 of my CDs onto my desktop. People will soon be able to order any CD as a digital file for $5 per album, and I will send it to them via YouSendIt. This is a great value for everyone, and it also keeps CDs out of our landfill. The only exception to the $5 price is the Radiance album which is still $10 per download. I expect this option to be up and running within this week.
Of course all of the artwork that was created by Ilene Satala, Ann Beeching and Jamie Rieger as the cover inspiration for the music on Mayan Dream, The Beloved, The Journey of Joy, Heart of Sky/Heart of Earth, Emergence, and Radiance is on display in the entrance space for the offices of Conrad and Ilene Satala. If you happen to be visiting, or attending a workshop, check it out because their artwork is radiant!
Why am I sharing all of this with you? I continue to be awed by the weaving of support all around me. When I wrote the Abundance track for the Radiance album, that music taught me that abundance is a gentle process. I don't have to stress or work myself into the ground, but simply follow the stream of consciousness that is guiding all of this music. I do have to say yes and actually act on inspiration, or nothing will happen in the outer world, but it is not hard work. It is fun!
Love to all.