What is Possible to Live!

The music of Radiance celebrates the possibilities for our lives. Radiance....light and joy and love radiating from our core throughout our body and out into the world, touching those around us with the same light and joy and love. As I light a candle and experience that flame, I know that the same flame exists within me. We are light radiating!

Abundance is track six of the Radiance album. This is gentle music....coming through water and the sounds of water birds....with soft instrumentation. The abundance music has taught me that abundance is not a struggle. It is all around me and supports me with gentle hands. The flame of Radiance bring abundance with it. I don't have to do anything but say "yes" to my life.

Today.....Susan will upload the cover, back tray, disc label to National Media Services for printing and duplication. I will send in
the gold master CD and all of the paperwork for the music. Then within a few days I will have a hard sample copy from National Media for me to check color, etc. We are on track for the CDs to be available for shipment by December 15th.

The music of Radiance has been available to all of you by download since November 8....so it has been almost a month since that launch of Radiance. I have found that the music of Radiance has brought me into a place of much more quiet and much less stress in my life. I have awarenesses that just did not exist before of ways to live more peacefully within myself. This is my greatest blessing from the Radiance music.

I subscribed to YouSendIt so that it would be very easy for everyone to download the music of Radiance if they ordered a Cd for download. YouSendIt is a great tool for me in the bringing out of my music. It allows me to be my own private "i-tunes" site if I wish. As I have said often, my sales are very strong in the digital music form of my albums. I personally never buy a physical CD anymore because it is so easy to go onto my computer, order the music, and have it instantly. Then if I want to play it on my car CD player, I can burn a CD. So easy and effortless!! So I truly understand why my digital sales are such a strong force in my business.

We are into the holiday season and I wish all of you joyful and peaceful holidays.


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