December 20th is the magic date

I have a final shipping date from National Media Services, and that date is December 20th for the Radiance CD. My birthday is December 21 and the birthday of the artist who did the cover art is December 20th, so this a great birthday present of Radiance for both of us,
Radiance is also a gift for the new year 2011. It's so easy to get caught in the outer difficulties of these last years: financial distress on a global level, weather that is more extreme because of global warming, fighting everywhere. Radiance brings us back to center: we are not these outer things. We are radiant beings of light who come from love and can radiate love and kindness to everyone around us. We are creative beings and this will overcome all destructive outer events if we allow the creative love to prevail.
The music of Radiance goes beyond centering music. It is music of transformation and it is certainly transforming me. What a gift for myself from the Universe.
This week I have been nurturing the last stages of Radiance through the process, and also bringing the same creativity into the marketing process. Lot's of fun and excitement!
The Radiance video has touched people in a very personal way. I had no idea that this would happen. Sometimes when I am being my most creative, I don't have a personal appreciation for what is happening and this was certainly the case for the Radiance Video. I am very grateful to all of you who wrote to express your appreciation and to tell your story. The links for the Radiance video, and the Mayan video are at the top of this page.
Happy holidays to all!