Radiance of Moonlight

As I look at this painting for my Radiance album, I am listening to the music of the Radiance album, Track One, Woven in Joy. I can see the joy on the face of the little girl....and the inner joy of the woman who feels like she is in her inner world as she lifts the chalice from the well. She is illuminated by the moonlight. Her eyes are soft as she holds the filled chalice and the child. She will drink.
The moon flowers have their own inner radiance in the moonlight, as do the trees. They glow with that radiance that supports all living things and connects.
The chalice music is track three. The music is not triumphant or "big", but rather soft and with the feeling of weaving. The music of chalice reflects the look on the faces of the woman and the child. The drinking of the chalice is a commitment to living a life connected to the sacred and a promise to let life purpose be realized.
I thank the artist, Jamie Rieger, who spent so much time connecting with my music to paint this beautiful original art. What a gift to all of us! If you would like to connect directly with Jamie, his e-mail is alan.rieger@gmail.com.
Today....we are in a deep freeze. As I look outside the color is a soft gray with black tree limbs outlined. We are supposed to have sunshine today....we'll see.
The Library of Congress has followed through with the necessary information so that I can get copyright permission online successfully. Now, I'm going to see if it works. Wish me luck!
Love to all.