
Well....the new music album is on it's way. I have recorded the first part last week, and will continue recording now until it is finished. The name of the album is RADIANCE. The first track is called "Walking lightly on the earth".
What is radiance all about? I am looking at many aspects. Radiance is an aspect of fire, and yet it is not the fire that burns in destruction. Radiance is the gentle and powerful light that emanates from all life forms, and ultimately from the center of all that exists. Radiance shines forth when the pathway is clear. Anger, fear, judgement, blame, shame, guilt....all these things block the natural radiance that wants to be our light from within.
So for me, if I am composing and performing music that is RADIANCE, then I have to look at the ways that my own radiance might be blocked. This is a very active process and probably a lifelong process.
The deer is a primary part of this music. The deer is a gentle creature...beautiful...swift. In ancient cultures the deer is the communicator between the seen and the unseen worlds. Radiance is that communication. Radiance is the shining forth of gentleness, kindness, unconditional love.
This is what I have so far, and let's see what exciting music emerges this week along with more information about the music.
My feeling is that this music will be available around the middle - end of October.
Love to all.