Paying It Forward
Over this lifetime, so many people have given so much of their time and loving energy to me. Now, in these later years of my life, it's time to "pay it forward". There are so many ways for me to give...loving attention to those close to me....continuing to create music....a little financial help when necessary without any payback.....taking time to stay focused in my own heart to help with the loving energy of this planet. These are all small things but sometimes I forget how important these small things are.
This week continues to be very hot and humid....but, after all, it's July and what else would I expect from July. I wonder how a hot and humid July would be expressed in music??
Last week I received a lovely note from a healer in Australia: "Hiya Beverly, I just received my three CD's, they are fantastic...such a quick delivery, it takes longer than that to receive ordinary mail within Australia some time. I'm amazed. I already have your CDs "The Beloved" and "Journey of Joy" which I have had for a number of years, and they get played a lot as I run three meditation classes a week and various other classes and workshops. Once again thank you so much. May all that you do be blessed. Brightest blessings to you."
That note made my day! Thank you to all of you who are so supportive of this music. It is my extreme pleasure to continue to let the music flow. "Paying it forward" means that, like this healer, I continue to let others know how much I appreciate what they do to help me and others. Thank you all!
With love.