Connections that run deep

Technology! For some reason my blog site has decided that I can't post a photo within the blog text anymore. Why? I don't know! I tried deleting photos from the memory to see if I was "overdrawn", but that didn't help. can't really reach a person, so finding an answer in 30,000 various comments by fellow bloggers was not helpful. It's possible that blogspot will become a thing of the past for me. We'll see! There are other blog sites out there.

I am on Facebook and for the last few weeks people from my distant past have been coming back into my life. It has been my experience (63 years of life!) that people don't really disappear. They may leave for a while, but these connections and relationships were forged in a mystery. Always there is a reason for people to be in my life.

Over the last week I have been listening to VIDA a lot. Track 3 is called Profound Love, and the music of Profound Love is directly connected to the music of the CHILAM track from The Beloved CD. The underlying harmonic movement is the same, although the two pieces are very different outwardly. Chilam is the Mayan for "sacred speech". Sacred speech always comes from profound love.....and, profound love manifests in the world through our sacred action. Chilam was written in 1990 and Profound Love in 2009. It's amazing how this works because the musical connection was not deliberate on my part.

This week Susan Stamm worked with me to design my Christmas ad in Evolve magazine, and so that will be out to the retail stores in October. The ad in New Age Retailer will also be out in it's magazine in time for the Christmas retail store buying season which is October. 100 brochures from Mayan Dream Productions went to the Healing Touch Program Conference in Colorado. Late July and early August are the months for preparation for Christmas sales and so lots is going on behind the scenes right now.

I am also preparing for a release of the new music in time for the Christmas buying season.

Love to all.


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