2009 was a very intense year. Our society experienced the recession...violence....and our response to these. We had the potential to become people with a vision that was of wisdom.
2010 feels like a year that continues this potential. The unseen world is supporting me into creativity and especially into the creativity of writing and teaching about my music. Daily life is about meditation and exercise and taking care of Mayan Dream Productions and opening to the larger vision of what is possible this year. My ministry with the Catholic Church has become part time, but will continue to allow me to be a musician at St. John's, Fort Wayne. Family and friends are of great importance....both in the world of the internet, and in the physical world of actually seeing one another in physical form.
So what will this year 2010 bring? As usual, it is unknown in one sense. However, the known factor is that I will make the commitment to say "yes" to a more creative life that is grounded in relationship to the Source of all of my music. Several events of the last month have reminded me that my lifetime is not forever. If I am going to write and teach and record and perform, I need to DO IT.....because some day it will no longer be possible. That day could be tomorrow...so today is very important.
Love to all!