Vida is now out in the world. The most important blessing for me with this new music is that now I feel in a whole different way the love around me. Vida is about love. Before, I knew that life was all about love, but now I feel that I am loved in a tangible way.
VIDA takes you on the journey of knowing the love that is all around us. It begins with the "Woven In Love" music. Our essence is love and that is what we are created from. Then "VIDA" celebrates the life that we are living....vibrant, alive. "Profound Love" is a feeling experience of connection to the Source of Love...relationship. Then we are breathed in
joy through "Joyful Breath". Finally, the Tree of Life music is who we are and what we are called to embody as human beings. It's all about love.
Two new newsletters were sent on line in the last two weeks: Chilam and Musings. It was so much fun creating these newsletters through Constant Contact. This is just another way that I can communicate to all of you.
Vida is now available as MP3 file sent to you directly, as well as in CD form. This is something new. Several years ago I tried placing software for downloading music for pay on my site, but that was a disaster. So, we took it back off and only offered download music that was free.
Now, I have had success in having you pay for an MP3 version of Vida and then sending you the tracks. Very successful, and an instant way to get this music. Then, you simply place the music in a i-tunes playlist and burn yourself a CD if you wish.
Mayan Dream/Dancers of the Flame, The Beloved, The Journey of Joy, Heart of Sky/Heart of Earth, Emergence and Healing Music for the 21st Century are all available on 70+ e-sites, including i-tunes. They are also available in e-form through Amazon. My digital sales are growing and this is certainly a sign of the future.
Vida and Deep Snowy Night CDs are shipping early this week. Hopefully today, but it may be difficult to get to the post again on everything!
What is the journey of producing a new CD? I feel new music and allow it to begin to build inside of me. When the timing is right, I go into the recording studio and begin the process of recording. Sometimes this goes quickly and sometimes it is months. VIDA took 9 months to complete the recording process. Recording includes also editing and the mixing process. After a significant amount of music has been created, we begin the graphic design process. Sometimes the artwork is an original painting that is then photographed and used as the cover design, and sometimes I use a photograph that holds the feel of the music. We have to design a cover front and back, a back tray, and a disc label. Then all the graphic design and CD master is duplicated by either Discmakers, or locally if it is a smaller run. Finally the product is ready and the marketing is the breath that sends out the word: you can have this music!
This week coming up: sending out the word in many different ways....deepening this new music within me....shipping the music.....
I am also welcoming two new grandchildren!! Love to all.