November Sunshine and the Musician
We are experiencing a beautiful weekend, and already the sunshine is pouring down on me as I type. For some strange and unknown reason, I love the browns of harvested fields, and dying plants, and the beauty of bare branches against a November blue sky.
November is for me one of the most creative months of the year. It feels like the veil between worlds is very thin. This week I am completing the new album that was originally announced as "Vida" but is now going to emerge under the title "Profound Love".
As I was composing this music during the summer and early Fall, and then editing on Thursday afternoon of this week, I was very aware of the various ways that my own music is emerging. When I was in college, we had to study composers and be able to identify them by the way that they created music. That was a pretty intellectual process, and at that time I felt that the composer was unique, and thus the music would have the uniqueness of that particular composer. As my own awareness grew, I felt that various musical motifs would carry the energy of particular aspects of our world. Now, I am beginning to know that the Heart of Everything, Wisdom, brings forth various styles, motifs into the world through the composer to weave the energy of a particular time and place. I have always said that I don't determine what my music is, except to say yes. There are motifs that run through all of my music. Wisdom has placed them....and as they weave differently in relationship to one another, and to the music as a whole, they weave an energy that is released into the world for the weaving of the world.
The new album "Profound Love" has (of course) a track that is called "Profound Love". This music carries the same harmonic progression as the music of Chilam (composed in the early 1990's). They don't sound the same at all, but they have a relationship: Chilam=Sacred Speech and Profound Love. I had no idea that this would happen when I began the music of Profound Love.
Other motifs that carry the energy that is being woven through this composer: The melody from track one "Awakening" in Mayan Dream/Dancers of the Flame (composed in 1989) is repeated in track seven (Awakened" in the Emergence album (composed 2007). There is a melody line that keeps showing up in Soul Music, in Ancient/Future Symphony, in "Living as Soul in Human Form"....I can't describe it here, but it is always woven differently and carries the uniqueness of that particular Soul, or album and is bringing that energetic aspect into the world.
NOW...onward to the weekend and all of the newness that next week will bring.