Sacred Marketing

This week brought many opportunities to be outdoors as September brings the change of seasons. The skies are brilliant blue and the trees still have enough green to contrast the new oranges and reds. On my computer monitor, these colors are bright and clear. On Walt's they are more muted and a little more gray...reminding me again that everything online is filtered through our own personal equipment.
What I see is not necessarily (or probably) what you will see.

When I send something through regular US mail as hard copy, I can be pretty sure of what you will see, although a lot of that kind of mail is thrown away before being opened. There is also the issue of sending out more paper to be thrown away and add to the pollution of the planet.

On the other hand....many computer spam filters make sure that you don't even get a chance to see anything that I send online. So.....yikes! How does a person market to the larger world? That is the dilemma of someone who is marketing. And yet, when I market from an inner world perspective, and not from my powerful left brain, answers come in unexpected ways.

Marketing is a sacred action. It is the breath that brings creative projects out into the larger world so that people can know that they exist.

Next week....recording on Tuesday afternoon.....focus on marketing and the new Chilam newsletter.


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