What about those 3:30AM hours?

I just heard a train whistle outside my window. What is it about the early morning hours that makes the air so transparent that a train whistle will carry miles and miles and be heard by me? I love train whistles. They remind me of the wide open spaces that exist and the travel that can be had. (Don't I sound a bit like that guy on 60 minutes who reminisces for about 5 minutes at the end of the show?)
These days have been very full and sometimes I wonder how it is possible to do everything that seems to be on my plate. When I find myself wondering "how? it's time to laugh a little and reconnect with all of the people that I love. Time is such a magic concept...it's very elastic...not linear....expansive....
I wrote a little piece on joy....and here it is:
"Joy....running through the veins and arteries of my body....living in the smallest parts of my cells. It is there as one of the basic components of the physical body. Joy shows up in the
elation felt by the athlete who is in the flow of the moment. It is profoundly felt in the runners high. I feel that joy as I create music through my body drumming or playing keyboard or flute or singing. I feel the journey of joy as I laugh, share stories with friends. Joy...the journey of artist, musician, healer, teacher fulfilling their greatest potential and flying high with their dreams realized in action. Joy is within just waiting for my notice. Joy.....holding a newborn baby....walking in the woods at dawn.....journeying deep within in ritual and prayer....listening to birds at sunrise....making music for a bride and groom....creating..."
To all.....have a beautiful, wonderful weekend.