Full Moon

What a beautiful, magical evening. The moon is high and full, and the cicadas and frogs are singing. Here I am up again at 2AM....soaking it all up...and writing.
Two years ago I wrote and recorded the Mystical Rose music for the season of Winter. The rose was photographed by Leah Welty-Rieger and placed within the white of ice and snow and fox by Susan Stamm. This music is very popular right now in August of 2009. "From the Heart of Everything" is a phrase that comes from the Maya and that term for God, or Source, or Light spoke to me immediately when I heard it. All that we are and create is cradled in the Heart of Everything. When I create music...especially individual music for people...I sometimes image myself as "falling" into the center of the rose.....into the Heart of Everything. The fox is a symbol in indigenous cultures of our ability to walk in many worlds.
As human beings we are flexible that way. We are physical/spiritual. We have minds that can travel and imagine and we have spirit that is in intimate relationship with God. Our bodies live the constant connection with the "Heart of Everything" in order to be whole.
Since the age of about 9 I have created music within the Catholic Church. In November, I started a full time position again at Saint John the Baptist Catholic Church as a musician. This outpouring of music and connection to the hearts of so many wonderful people is life-giving to me. So....I have the music that creates through me and is recorded and sent out into the world as Mystical Rose: from the Heart of Everything; or Emergence; or The Beloved....and I have music that creates through me in the Catholic ritual. How wonderful is this!
Love to all.