The whole world
Ilene is doing a series on the musician Philip Glass. Her reminder that he will be playing in Chicago in October brought me into some reflection. Philip and I are both musicians who create and play from the heart. Our music is very different because we are on different Soul journeys, but we share the process of creating from the unknown and with passion. Sometimes I forget that I am part of a large group of musicians who are sharing their music with the world.....continuing the journey no matter what outer events might happen.
As I celebrate 20 years of creating a business, of composing, recording, teaching, marketing...I celebrate all of the people throughout the world who have purchased my music either as CD or online, and I celebrate all of the people who have made my music a part of their daily lives.
To date probably 20,000+ CDs have sold, and downloads continue to grow also. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
During these twenty years with Mayan Dream Productions, I have experienced illness, a life-threatening car accident, death in my family, and various other events that could have taken me from my music for long periods of time. Walter and I raised children and created a home. Through all of this, because of the support of my own inner world, of the unseen world, of my friends, family and mentors, my music continued to emerge from the Heart of Everything and move into the world.
One of the greatest honors of my life has been the opportunity to create Soul/Deepbody music for people. Those of you who opened your hearts and lives to me in this way so that I could create music for were an awesome gift.
The Vida album continues to move, shape and form. There is free download of one of the tracks called "Love Breathes" on my home page. Please enjoy!
The 20 year celebration continues as a Journey of Joy.