See it in Vogue

SOUL/DEEPBODY music: I was asked to send all of the Soul/Deepbody music that I had ever created to Conrad this week so that he can place it in a separate and easily accessible file. As I was doing this, I realized how much music had been given to me through the commissions of all of you these last two years: 42 CDs of Soul/Deepbody the 11 minute piece that is called Living As Soul in Human Form. I also understood more deeply what this music does. When a person experiences their Soul/Deepbody music it opens a direct communication into their heart, and into a vision of a much larger world. Even though I always ask a lot of questions about "who you are" before I create your music, your is not "who you are". It is the non-physical world speaking to you in the most loving and powerful way. It is life-changing for that reason. It is not like listening to Mozart to change your brain, or make you smart. As I understand more and can put it into words, I will talk more about this.
This last week was all about gratitude and understanding that gratitude is an archetype and a place that I can move into instantly and it changes my whole being. Gratitude is not about being grateful for any particular thing....and yet I am very grateful for all of the music that has created through me in these last two years in the form of Soul/Deepbody music. And.....I am grateful
Mayan Dream/Dancers of the Flame was featured in the Vogue Mexicano/LatinoAmericana December issue. I knew this, of course, but it was real when the magazine itself finally arrived on my doorstep this last week. In the midst of the beauty of a Vogue magazine, was the CD cover of Mayan Dream/Dancers and my website address. The CD is right next to "The Jaguar Smile" by Salman Rushdie....recommended as unique ambience for Tulum. You may remember that I didn't search out this contact (not on a conscious level anyway), but Vogue found me through a google search. Now Mayan Dream/Dancers is out in the world through the vast extensive network of Vogue. Orders are starting to come in through Amazon and CDBaby for this particular CD. I am sure that it is being downloaded through i-tunes and other digital sites
because my digital sales are increasing.
What is Mayan Dream/Dancers of the Flame all about? This music supports all who dance the flame: are edgewalkers...who dare to dream...who act on their dreams from the place of their heart. In this age of Aquarius, the living of the dreams of the possible and the potential is pouring forward. We are calling on beauty, wisdom, kindness, vision, love, live
our purpose. There is certainly a reason why we are here on this planet at this time and in this place.
Mayan Dream brings me into a feeling that I am walking on sacred ground. Dancers of the Flame challenges me into my potential. Remember the story of Dancers of the Flame's creation? I was in a mammoth cave in Mexico (75ft ceilings) and the stalagtites were coming from the ceiling almost to ground level. These were tuned to certain pitches by nature. It was obvious from the artifacts that were still in this cave system, that it was used by the ancient Maya. Since the darkness would have been absolute, it was probably a place of "dancing the flame" or in our terms, spending time in deep contact with the unseen world. There was evidence also of fires being built, and of sleeping areas for people to live there. A shaman from that area walked with us and showed me the tuning and how it affected my body energy system. I "soaked up" the vibration from the sound and the cave and brought it back to be created out here in the US in music.
Now this music is out in Mexico, Central and South America in a larger way than I could have imagined or made happen through my own plans.
This week....preparation for recording next week. Performance plans in the future....preparation continues now.
Love to all.