Fierce waters!
This is the outlook of the Salamonie River near the dam last Monday.
The sky was beautiful blue...soft browns and grays...a little white in late February.
I am grateful that I live on Mother Earth at this time and in this place. She is lovely in the Midwest in all of her aspects. Through her seasons in the Midwest, she brings to me a constant reminder of change and of the tumult that is sometimes part of change. Today, March 2nd it is only 13 degrees outside. In the middle of the week it will be 50 degrees (so they say!) and storms will most certainly bring about this change. On Saturday early morning, we had thunder and lightning as the temps plummeted from upper 50s to lower teens. So....thus it is! Eventually new life will emerge from all of this, and we will have the beauty of Spring green.
My life reflects this in the ebb and flow of creation of new music. Sometimes music emerges with little outer effort, and sometimes it takes a storm to bring forward the new me that can create a new outer CD or download. My desire is that I am open to emergence of new music and a new SELF in whatever way it comes to me.
I am grateful for all of you who are a part of my life. I am grateful for the music that draws me into ritual and into the portal of the Heart of Everything.
NOW this week.....exploration and adventure into new ways of using the internet. This is time-consuming work but lots of fun!! There is Soul/Deepbody music to create. And who knows what else is in the unknown for me this week!!
Love to all.