Music and Art and Hot Coffee!
I am sitting in my the February sunshine...Ancient/Future Symphony is playing...The artwork of Emergence (Ann Beeching's art), Mayan Dream/Dancers of the Flame (Ilene Satala's art), Heart of Sky/Heart of Earth (Ann Beeching's art) and The Journey of Joy (Ilene Satala's art) surround me. The graceful sculpture by Patricia Crane of the filly Prelude is with me on my desk...keeping me company, along with the beautiful indigenous pottery of Judy Madlem, and the carving by Nicolas that is Maria holding the new life. Greg Beck's photography of the Mayan lands graces the wall right outside my office with a profound spiritual energy....the wall is literally pulsing!
Mother Earth is so blessed to have artists...sculptors...photographers....musicians....bringing that special life force that ensouled art IS in it's essence. She (Mother Earth) needs this outpouring during these years of her healing.
I am so blessed to have this level of support around me, giving me ongoing life as I live in the world as musician, writer and teacher! Thank you to the many, many who bring their support to my life...and whose names I have not mentioned in this Musing. You are so many, and I am so grateful.
Today is Monday, and so that means paying attention to the paperwork that is so much a part of being a business. I have filed, and written, and generally taken care of those details which are necessary for music to come forward.
My car is in the repair shop and that outer event is keeping me close to home today. So....I have been gifted with time for gentle quiet as I work. No temptation to go to the store, or visit, or anything else....just time for me and my music. My hot cup of coffee is near at hand, and there is a very large pot of ham and beans on the stove for this evening.
My youngest son and his wife are both PhD's in Physics. This week they are visiting Switzerland and the CERN Laboratory for Particle Physics...the largest in the world. I know that these two talented and wonderful young people have come forward for a very special purpose in their lifetime, and it probably revolves around physics. Another help for this Mother Earth!
We are more than half-way through February. Spring emergence is very close....what will life bring with this new and powerful energy? The adventure continues!
Love to all.