Mother Nature at her best
How does music capture the essence of this kind of beauty? I am out in the snow soaking up the living vibration of everything around me. This vibration becomes a part of my own body and eventually will come out in sound waves.....carrying this beauty.
Deep green....white....soft browns....deep silence....softly falling snow covering me quickly as I walk.....MUSIC.
Profound Love carries this essence. So does Deep Snowy Night and Tree of Light. There is other, new music that will come.
These three pieces are free downloads from this website. Some time ago I understood that some of the music that is coming forward through me was meant to be offered as free download. All of my music...whether free download or CDs gift to the world. So some have asked....why would I not put everything on CD?
The process of creating a physical CD is a major undertaking, both physically and financially. After recording the CD, the music has to go to a duplication center for duplication, and professional packaging. It needs to have a UPC code. Someone has to design the graphics for the cover and disc, and someone has to create the artwork. All of this goes into creating a physical CD. Lots of work and all of this has a financial cost.
At this point, there are nine CDs of mine available for sale. If all of my music had to go on CD in order to get out into the world, the music of Earth Essence CD, Atitlan Fire CD, and Profound Love would not be available to anyone at this time. Maybe in the future...but not now.
Also.....CDs are environmental stressors if they are not kept for several lifetimes in a library.
They do not biodegrade.
So, I do believe that is why we have discovered the miracle of downloading music. Eventually, CDs will go the way of cassettes, and 8-tracks. Music can be created and immediately sent to millions of people via the stressors on the environment that we know of at this time. AND.....when I create music, you can receive it almost immediately. That is a wonderful aspect of downloading. Will the switch from CD to digital downloading happen within the next couple of years? No, I don't believe so, but I am doing my part to begin the process.
Mayan Dream/Dancers of the Flame, The Beloved, The Journey of Joy, Heart of Sky/Heart of Earth, Emergence, and Healing Music for the 21st Century are all available for download through i-tunes, rhapsody, MP3tunes, MSNmusic, napster, and approximately 50 other digital sites throughout the world. At this time, my digital sales have increased about ten-fold from last year.
What are the advantages to you, the consumer? You can download part of an album if you don't want all of the music on a particular album. That is a HUGE advantage! It is less expensive.
You can place parts of CDs together to create your own meditation CDs. You can have new music of mine, or your own Soul/Deepbody music almost instantly after it is recorded. Hot off the press!
The disadvantage? There are still so many "bugs" to work out in the systems. Patience and lots of talent in the online community will bring downloading into it's potential. We just need patience!
What else is going on in the Mayan Dream world? Daily OM featured EMERGENCE again this last Friday. I am working on taxes and dreaming large dreams for the future.
Much love to all.