The Journey

I loved this path because it reminds me of Copan, Honduras. I chose this photo for today's Musings because it calls forth the journey into the unknown which is my life and yours.
The economic news yesterday was very bleak.. a couple of million people without work and without health insurance. Many millions more without enough work to actually buy enough food and to pay for the basics of life. The stock market falling....companies closing or downsizing. The political news was bleak....war.....terror....poverty across the world.
And yet.....the unknown journey continues. We don't know really what this means. The planet is massively shaking off one form of living life based on an outer and inner masculine structure that created an artificial and very destructive life.
The sacred feminine has the opportunity to emerge and bring the natural flow of a loving, compassionate way of living. Will we allow this to happen? The journey of the unknown is certainly co-creative with the living decisions of men and women.
I cannot control the larger world, but I can live my own life within the sacred feminine. For me that means living a life of love, kindness, compassion, forgiveness, courage for myself, and for others. It means saying no to thoughts that destroy my own quality of life within the sacred feminine and the quality of life of those around me. It means staying deeply connected to Earth , our Mother with love. It means continuing to allow music to flow through me from my heart into the world.
What will the future bring? I don't know. But this morning in a snowy January emerges with newness and possibility.
Mayan Dream Productions, Int'l continues to emerge as a flowing stream of music. I shipped to individuals and to distributors this week. New Soul/Deepbody music continues to be created on a weekly basis (I LOVE this part!). The Wisdom Women group met on Thursday and as always was a portal for newness and growth. The new free download music of Profound Love is indeed being downloaded by individuals and that is awesome!
Love to all.