Today we are expecting snow and I am thrilled. I think that I am the ONLY one that is thrilled, but how exciting to see the change of seasons. If we do indeed get snow, photographs will follow.
On Thursday I decided that leaves needed to be raked and so I spent a few hours outside doing hard physical labor. Boy am I out of shape!!!! My legs and arms are protesting vigorously.
This morning I am in my studio, taking care of the business end of Mayan Dream Productions. The red candle on my desk is lit. The hibiscus next to my desk is still blooming. The Emergence painting is on the wall right in front of my desk. The painting of NaHunTan is temporarily at the photographer so that Ilene Satala can get a GOOD photograph of this painting and begin to offer prints for sale (see my home page www.mayandream.com for the NaHunTan artwork by Ilene Satala and also the Emergence artwork by Ann Beeching. Links to get prints from the artist will be under each starting Monday, November 17. ) The photo that Conrad took of the jaguar and the deer emerging from a ritual fire in Santiago Atitlan is also right next to me....reminding me that there is world of spirit that is so much larger than anything that I can imagine and that anything is possible.
What kind of business stuff do I have to do? Renewing my website for the year.....preparing the package that goes to Discmakers for the remastered and enhanced Healing Music for the 21st century CD that will be available December 1....writing new descriptions for an organization that has my music on it's website store....filing shipped order forms...communicating with Soul/Deepbody music requests.....communicating with my website designer to add some links...writing out bills....communicating with Susan Stamm (awesome graphic design artist) for the marketing brochure for my Christmas special prices....the list goes on!
Remember....November 18th is the day that Daily OM is going to feature Emergence on their site. Remember also.....Vogue Mexican0/LatinaAmericana will have Mayan Dream/Dancers of the Flame in their December issue.
Even though I am missing my dad this week, life is very full and very wonderful. I am grateful to all of you for your incredible friendship energy. I am grateful that I was born as a musician.
Much love. Beverly.