Not Enough Snow for a photo
We have had beautiful snow showers for several days now. Sometimes it is almost a whiteout condition. However, until this evening, the snow never really stuck to the ground or trees to provide a photo-op. This evening I was SURE that we would have snow photo material. wasn't to be. There is just a skim of snow on the ground. Thank you to all of you who supported the "emergence" of the EMERGENCE CD into the world in a new way as it was featured on DailyOM on Wednesday, November 19th. The write-up was splendid and it gave me another view of my music. Daily OM did not have me proof the write-up, and so I saw it for the first time as everyone else saw it. Let's see what happens now. Yesterday I spent the entire day in the recording studio, recording Soul/Deepbody music for a fire sign celebration of her birthday in December. We share the sagittarius energy. I brought in Cranberry/Orange bread, and Raisin/Cinnamon/Walnut bread. A ...