Lots of news

This is the new cover for the Healing Music CD. The music is basically the same, although it has been remastered and tweaked a bit. I have watched as several hundred people ordered the Healing Music CD and then let this music and their own powerful wisdom change their lives. This is a profound experience for me to observe and I am honored to be a part of this journey.
New parts of the world opened up to me also this last week with communication from Australia/New Zealand. This is very cool!
Already through the wonders of digital music I am heard in much of Europe and some of Asia.
Canada regularly orders from me from the province of Ontario through Alberta and New Brunswick. It is one of my greatest joys in life to be in communication with people from all over the world.
Of course, my music is in the Mayan areas around Lake Atitlan in Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala.
Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala, Copan, Honduras, and Palenque, Chichen-Itza and Yaxchilan in Mexico are my home.
Life is good! Much love to all.