The deeper flow
I loved the way these beautiful purple flowers have shaped themselves into a very small pyramid in the midst of a cornfield. I love the brown and green texture of corn stalks at the time of harvest.
I have been musing to myself about the deeper flow of abundance. It seems that there is a wave of fear concerning scarcity and lack across the world that is powerful and is reflected in stock market insanity, in large (supposedly invincible) businesses going bankrupt or being purchased because they are failing. This fear could be my reality for my own life if I chose.
However, there is a deeper flow that is more real. This flow comes from the Source and it's name is abundance. This is the flow that is supporting businesses and artists of all kinds who are making a good living...maybe even making a LOT of money (gasp). They are in a flow that does not live in the world of fear. Nor is it in the world of ego-based choices, and mental structures that are not of the heart. These people give generously of their time and talent. They care genuinely about the health of the planet. They have a joy in their lives and a love for family and friends.
That is the flow that I choose. I am asking for this flow to carry me into decisions that grow my business, and allow my music to be out in the world to it's maximum potential.
Last night I was at one of Ilene Satala's classes and she showed video of the photographer naturalist sculptor Andy Goldsworthy. He creates his work from nature....with a deep understanding of the flow of the sacred....and has a family with young children. Andy's work is taking him all over the world and is making him a lot of money, while he is getting to spend time in his beloved nature and doing his art. Who would "think" that in this time of world-wide recession, he could be so successful. I know of many stories like his. you got a little musing from me on financial abundance.
Much love.