The Unknown

My dad is 90 and will 91 in a few months. His age is a testimony to a life lived very fully. Before the stroke, he continued to walk in his beloved nature for LONG walks around the wetlands. In spite of knowing that he has beginning Alzheimers, he continued his very funny sense of humor. He speculated often on issues like the energy waves that are all around us...and what they do with us....and what do you suppose the life inside a plant feels like, etc. He has made his own telescope and loves to search the skies. He has a beautiful tenor voice and had sung throughout his life, and played the harmonica. Dad's career was as a research engineer and he has components up in space that he helped design and build with his own hands.
Dad has a strong will to live. He is beginning to recover some use of his body, and even though it is very hard for him to speak, his fabulous sense of humor and smile continue to brighten the neurological unit of Lutheran Hospital.
The photo of the hawk today represents the freedom that exists in the midst of seeming impossible obstacles. Like the hawk on the wind current, dad is supported in the love all around him. Eventually he is going to fly away to the light and be embraced in total love.
Dad is walking the unknown. We who love him are all walking the unknown. My personal challenge is to let the deep flow of love that flows from the Heart of Everything support me and pour out onto all who are in my presence.
Love to all.