Gosh! It's been a while.
She was awesome and probably has contributed to a new discovery down the road that will benefit all of us.
I didn't understand any of it, but sure enjoyed it anyway!
Jason gave his PhD defense last September. Now husband and wife both have a PhD in high energy physics. I can't help but know that there is purpose in all of this for something great in the future.
I took this photo at IU in Bloomington while waiting for the time of Leah's defense to arrive. There is something powerful about the dark within green forest.
There is also a power to paths that lead into the unknown. This is the story of my life right now...walking the pathway of the unknown.
The month of July is a month of rest and very little happens in the outer world for me. Orders slow down hugely....commissions wait....I spend a lot of time outdoors listening and soaking up the beauty around me.
Now, already I can feel the stirring of the energy of Autumn. Everything picks up speed in my outer world in Autumn. New music....new people around me....new ways of perceiving....new instruments....everything emerges new and I love it a lot! What will happen? I don't know.
It's the pathway of the unknown.
Love to all of you.