Creative Fire

Here is the cover of EMERGENCE, painted by Ann for this CD. It represents to me Creative Fire in the world.
I am primarily a fire sign. Vicki created my astrological chart for me several years ago, and I have Sun, Moon, Mercury, Pluto and Saturn all in fire signs. I have been exploring what it means to be Creative Fire in my life. For the last couple of years, outer events have been shaping my outer world and my own awareness of who my I am in some powerful ways. This, of course, is the way for all of us. From you, I hear many stories of your powerful, life-shaping, events. These are sacred events. So, how is LIFE shaping the manifestation of Creative Fire for me?
I am being led to a deeper inner fire for this next 30 year cycle of my life. Fire is about relationship and movement and warmth and it is at the heart of ritual always. All aspects of my creative world are changing very quickly. Awesome but challenging! There is a shaman understanding that when you go on the Vision Quest, you often do not come back with all body parts intact. Yikes!
This deeper relationship with the unseen world will deepen my ability to compose music from the Heart of Everything and that is already happening. I had a wonderful phone call from Carolyn Conger affirming that Ancient/Future Symphony had moved into a different place and she loved it. She was clear in saying that all of my music was "fabulous" but that this was something new. This is such a powerful example of synchronicity and the love that weaves us all together.....Carolyn called at time when her loving and supportive words assisted me in continuing to move in this Vision Quest journey. A profound thank you to Carolyn!!
Outer circumstances are compelling me to look at the ways that I express Creative Fire in marketing and sales. Here again, a deepening in my relationship to the Heart of Everything is being brought forward for me. I have a great desire to continue all aspects of my musical life. This desire propels me into exploring new pathways and new ways of looking at marketing/sales. Creative Fire is the inner fuel.
Creative Fire means that relationship is an vital part of my life. I am meant to stay in connection with people in warm, loving and supportive ways. This lifetime is not a lifetime of myself as hermit!
Love to all.