Wisdom and Marketing
Wisdom.....seeing the larger view. In the business part of Mayan Dream Productions, it is easy to get caught in what "seems" to be the reality, but is actually a very small part of the larger picture.
Several weeks ago, I was in meditation to the music of Ancient/Future Symphony. At one point I could feel the presence of a loving force that reached down and touched me on the lips. It was a very physical touch and it's feel has stayed with me. When I am in Wisdom's space, I live in that experience. When I am not in Wisdom's space, the unknown does not even exist except as a mental idea and that loving touch is no longer a part of my life.
Wisdom and the world of marketing is all about the larger weaving that is the real world.
She knows the connection between peoples. She knows how to communicate with love and in ways that support...because she is wisdom.
In the last blog, I talked about relationship. Marketing is an intimate relationship between me and Wisdom....bringing out into the world music that has been co-created with her. How cool is that!