Really Strong Coffee!

Here I am working again in the middle of the night. This wolf describes pretty much what it feels like to be blogging under the energy of the new moon at 3:00 in the morning. I just took a sip of really strong, freshly brewed coffee. That has to be one of life's greater pleasures!
We had strong storms again this evening and the air pouring into my office is thick with moisture. I can hear the wind bringing in a new weather front with cooler weather for the weekend. There is a raccoon or possibly another nocturnal animal prowling around under my window.
As the morning breaks, I will be leaving my office to spend the day outside. The new music of Ancient/Future Symphony is changing my life, and for me, being in the outdoors helps with that change. How is my life changing? The old relationship with my spiritual core is breaking down and a new relationship is developing. Patterns of action that used to work....don't work as well anymore. There is a new way of doing things in the outer world. What is it? I'll let you know when I know.
Of course I am describing the energy of EMERGENCE and the pattern of life that is always a movement of change. As the CD Emergence came out in February 2008 I spent a lot of time exploring what it means for life to emerge and re-emerge.....instead of dying and rebirth. It felt a lot like the sign for infinity, or a circle. There is no death and rebirth....only a constant movement and change. (To see what I wrote, click on the Musings archive link at the right side of this page)
So.....onward to the next adventure!