Exploring Service

I was struck by the power of the water flowing into this side of the dam to be quickly transformed into the calm of the lake. You can get just a glimpse of the powerful water surge in the white foam to the right of this picture. Not shown is the rainbow that was in the water also.
The wee hours of Monday morning.....and I am writing about service. I just read a wonderful article by David Spangler titled David's letters #14. (to read, go to www.lorien.org) which talks about relationship. David muses that all "powers/gifts" are really relationships. If I have a power for creating Soul/Deepbody music that is not "power" but is "relationship" with the essential Soul/Deepbody of human life, and relationship with the music universe. Relationship means co-creation between the unseen world and myself when I compose, perform, record.
Service is loving relationship. Composing, recording, marketing music is all about serving in love through the relationship of the unseen world to me, and of me to music, and of me to you and you to me. From this perspective, service is not so much about doing, as it is about being.
As I write, I am listening to the last movement of the Ancient/Future Symphony which is titled Within Maria's Mantle. This music is of enormous service to me. It was co-created with the Mayan entities and with the drums and flutes that played on this album. It brings compassion to my life and places me in the stillness that is underneath all things and all events.
Through my willingness to release this music into the world, and the open arms with which it is received by others, a co-creation of service/relationship in love happened and continues to create. Compassion and stillness move out into the world in yet another form of music.
Being....David Spangler brings forward the truth that we are all connected through the field of energy that binds us together. As I am in stillness, I am of service because this stillness flows through the connection of the field. I know this, but often I forget. If I wish to be of service in this lifetime, it does matter how I choose to be.
I am in my studio/office with the original artwork of Ilene Satala and Ann Beeching...created for my CDs. This artwork is deeply connected to me...showing myself in various soul manifestations...as the goddess Nahun-tan (Mayan Dream CD), as the celtic Brigid (Journey of Joy), as the goddess Earth (Heart of Sky/Heart of Earth, and Emergence CD) and as The Beloved (The Beloved CD). Relationship of love....service to me from the artists and from the artwork....service from me to you through my commissioning and duplicating this artwork and releasing it on my CDs into the world.
Every time that you listen to my music, you are in loving relationship to me and your service to me is of tremendous worth. Without me needing to know on a conscious level, you feed my soul as you work energetically, meditate, or rest into my music, and this allows new music to continue to emerge. Just the action of your listening to my music is love from you to me. My creation and release of this music is my love to you.
With much love.