Jamming by the Fire to Wisdom Ablaze

HEART OF SKY…..track two of Wisdom Ablaze was captured in this sky photograph © Beverly.

This last week I gave a copy of Wisdom Ablaze to my friend who cleans our carpets.  He has a fire pit in his back yard and spent three hours Thursday evening, in his words "Jammin' at the fire pit with Wisdom Ablaze.

This is the livingness of this powerful music.

CD Baby (based in Portland, Oregon) is now advertising Wisdom Ablaze on it's website:   "We here at CD Baby have got pretty good memories. And we just remembered that at some point in the not-too-distant past you purchased music by Beverly Rieger.   We commend your impeccable musical taste and wanted to let you know that Beverly Rieger has a brand new release out now. It just went live on our website for sale. And we just had to let you know FIRST since you're one of the few hip and wise people who "knew them way back when.  It is called Wisdom Ablaze."     Here is the link to a beautiful new page that they created to feature Wisdom Ablaze:   http://cdbaby.com/cd/beverlyrieger10.

I want to thank Conrad for placing the link on this blog to the first of two videos created from the Wisdom Ablaze music and my photographs.

The second video is almost complete and features We Call Forth Wisdom, Track 1. Tom Tempel is the creator of both videos…collaborating with WISDOM and my music to create a beautiful meditation featuring the forest that inspired this first track.

I also want to thank Ellen Sauer for her wonderful interview of me posted on her blog, and for also connecting the world with my music. She is an awesome writer and artist.  Here is her website link:  https://ellencsauer.wordpress.com/2016/05/30/creativity-an-interview-with-beverly-rieger/?preview_id=61971&preview_nonce=d6895ed8cf&_thumbnail_id=-1&preview=true

For me it is so important that Wisdom Ablaze be heard...listened to....played on the airways.   Wisdom music has the power to make a huge difference in our world.   I am joined by all artists, teachers, musicians and all of you who are reading this blog and work from the place of heart to be in the world in action, in wisdom.

Love to all.


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