New Video and music now on i-tunes for your download

The ongoing saga of a wisdom composer and performer..... Wisdom Ablaze is blazing out into the world! Wisdom Ablaze is now on i-tunes for you to download...either individual tracks or the entire album. And of course all of you reading this blog can order Wisdom Ablaze directly from me. Just go to the home page of this website, and click on the order page link at the top to order a physical CD in digipack format. You can also send me a note with your order via snail mail....and enclose a check. I'll send your CD back to you ASAP. Be sure and give me your address for shipping. and also your e-mail address so I can acknowledge receiving your order. There is a beautiful new video up on You Tube which has the music of track one: "We Call Forth Wisdom". Here is the link: . Tom Tempel has taken the photography of the trees that inspired this music, and the flutes that played, and has used technology to "open...