As I sit here in my office....candles of the day, blue and green flaming, I am listening to track five from A Celebration of Life and Love which is called Sacred Voice. It is so beautiful! Sacred Voice is being used as the carrier music for many of Conrad's blessings and meditations. Why? In my perception it is because this vibration is the wisdom voice of the Heart of Sky and Earth, the Heart of Everything, and the Source of Creation. As I listen to this music, my heart opens to receive the vibration and I melt into this incredible presence of love. I am transformed. Then the music moves into track six, Woven in Gentleness, soft music set into flowing water. For me, as part of nature, I am only really supported when I have not separated myself from the sun and moon and water and earth and all of it's creatures. Even in the thunder, lightning, wind....this beautiful Mother Earth carries me with gentleness and strength. The sun is just now rising and shining...